女同 泰西网友共享抓家妙招(组图)

发布日期:2024-10-06 13:44    点击次数:77

女同 泰西网友共享抓家妙招(组图)

The internet has brought about so many things that have altered the way the world works, including the life-changing and time-saving invention of household hacks. 互联网给寰球带来了诸多改换,比如底下这些能改换生存女同,还能简易技艺的抓家小妙招。

The 'hacks' are just inventive ways for everyday tasks that will save time and money, but the internet laps them up. 这些“妙招”是一些闲居生存中省时省钱的私有创意,而互联网让其广为流传。

And now more of the hacks have been shared on Facebook, with parents especially getting very excited about how they can organise their household better. 而今,东说念主们在脸书上共享了更多的抓家妙招,父母们对怎样把家里打理得更妥帖尤其感到应承。


Brick-a-brack: Once household hack showed how to use a lego brick attached to a keyring to organise keys in a cute and clever way 室内小成列:某位网友在乐高积木上系上钥匙圈,整皆地挂好钥匙,显得俏皮又灵敏。

One popular post shows how you can never lose your keys again by attaching thin Lego bricks to a keyring for each set of keys. 在一张很受宽容的贴子中,网友向民众展示了怎样智力不丢钥匙:在薄的乐高积木上挂上钥匙圈,每套钥匙一个。

Then attach a lego board to the wall and the keys can all hang up in a row, making them easy to find and all in one place. 之后把乐高积木板挂在墙上,这么钥匙就排成了一滑,放在一处同期也很容易找到。


Cleaning up: Another tip demonstrated how using metal clips attached to shower curtain rings can organise all your bathing products so they're easily accessible 洗澡用品:上图告诉咱们怎样用淋浴帘圆环上的叉字铁夹来夹住总共的洗澡用品,且方便取用。

Another easy organisational fix shows how you can use metal clips attached to shower curtain rings to keep your shampoo, conditioner and other products neat and tidy. 另一个很容易已毕的法门是,使用淋浴帘圆环上的叉字铁夹把洗发水、护发素和其他洗澡用品干净整洁地挂在一说念。


You'd be potty not to try: For simple storage of pot and pan lids, use plastics hooks to store them on the inside of cupboard doors 锅盖无处摆放?为了方便地存放壶盖和锅盖,不错在橱柜门的内侧粘几个粘钩。


Never forget the chicken again: One mum shared her tip for easier shopping, showing how she kept her grocery list written on the fridge in whiteboard marker. She said to simply snap a photo on your phone before you shop 不要再健忘买鸡肉了:一位姆妈共享了怎样能更方便地购物的法门,她用白色书写板标记笔在雪柜门上写下食物杂货购物清单,外出购物前用手机拍张照就不错了。

One post advises using whiteboard markers to write shopping lists on the Fridge door. When you're going out to do grocery shopping simply snap a picture of the fridge door and never forget something at the supermarket again! 在一个贴子中,网友提议用白色书写板标记笔在雪柜门上写下购物清单,外出购物前只需要用手机给雪柜门拍个照,就无谓操心到了超市忘买啥了!


Magnetic attraction: Other tips demonstrated how the power of magnets can be used to organise the inside of fridges more efficiently 磁引力:上图向民众展示出,怎样用磁铁更灵验果地安排雪柜内的物品摆放。

Other fridge themed tips show how you can use magnets to make storage easier. Gluing magnets to the bottom of small containers means that they can be attached to the walls of the fridge, saving space. 其他的雪柜主题创意还有,使用磁铁使存储更浮浅。在小盒子的底部粘上磁铁,然后将其粘在雪柜壁上,简易空间。


Time for a cold one: Using strong magnets attached to the roof of your fridge, you can store bottles or small jars easily and save space 来一杯:把磁力很强的磁铁粘在雪柜顶部,能很容易地存储瓶瓶罐罐,简易空间。

Another similar hack shows how to suspend beer bottles and small jars from the roof of your fridge using a strip of strong bottleloft magnets. 另一个小法门是,使用不错吸附在雪柜顶部的磁性收纳条,将啤酒瓶和其他小瓶子挂在雪柜顶部。


Bra-vo: One wardrobe tip showed how attaching coathangers vertically meant you could store bras without fuss 内衣架:上图的衣柜创意告诉民众,将衣架垂直挂成一滑,就不错整皆地收纳胸罩了。

Some wardrobe-based hacks include using coathangers attached vertically to each other to store bras. 一些衣柜创意包括把衣架垂直在一说念,用来挂胸罩。



Hat's off: Another post demonstrated a DIY hat organiser using only a coathanger and plastic rings 帽子架:上图是一个使用衣架和塑料环公正的帽架。

Another tip showed how you can construct a DIY cap organiser to hang up, ensuring you're never without sun protection again. 还有个法门,作念个公正帽架挂起来,保证随时能找到帽子。


Back to school: One mum shared a picture of her children's school stations, where she stores their backpacks, beanies and shoes for the school day so they're never lost 开学了:有位姆妈共享了孩子的学校用品收纳架,她将孩子上学用的书包、帽子和鞋都放在这里,以免找不到。

A clever mum also showed in one picture how to set up a station to organise children's school backpacks, beanies and shoes with minimal fuss- and cute framed photos of each child. 一位明智的姆妈还共享了怎样搭个孩子上学用品收纳架,将孩子的书包、帽子和鞋放整皆。每个收纳架上方都有相框,放上一张孩子的可人像片。


hacks: 妙技

beanies: 毛线帽;帽子;童帽

